Adult & Pediatric Counseling Specialists PLLC
Repairing and preventing emotional harm through a unique balance of empathetic listening and creative counseling strategies.
Family Care
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” ― Nelson Mandela
Blended Family Support

We understand that a blended family is very different from a traditional family. The same rules just don’t apply. We are here to help you learn new skills to help your family thrive.
In a blended family you are both still single parents at some level, because it may feel like you are your children's only parent in that home. This means you both will be torn between loyalty to your children and loyalty to your spouse. Every choice you make will likely disappoint someone you love. Working together to improve communication, patience, compassion and new family systems is key.
Trauma Informed Care
Trauma-informed services includes empowering families to address the impact that exposure to complex trauma has had on their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Clients who better understand their trauma and can discuss it in a safe and supportive environment in therapy have come to experience a reduction of stress symptoms, improved sleep habits, effective assertiveness and a renewed sense of purpose.
We aim to help families find 'post-trauma growth and safety' from their therapeutic participation.

Parent-Teen Conflict Help

By the time you read this, you likely have been dealing with unhealthy household conflicts and significant emotional pain for some time. Trusting people and asking for help can be intimidating, especially if you've been told that your problems are your fault or trusted people have let you down.
We seek to combine professionalism, humor and effective strategies that allow our clients to feel comfortable while they examine important and sometimes upsetting issues.
Restoring broken trust is our goal.